The quickest and simplest way is to email them to me ( ) as email "attachments".
Then I can load them into your "Profile Photos" very quickly. Once loaded you can "Edit" them to add Descriptions or Captions.
The way for you to Upload your own photos is as follows:
First. copy or save your "digital photos" to your computer desktop. Or if they are hard copy, film photos (Not digital photos), then scan them to your desktop. If you don't have a scanner, any office supply or copy store (ie., Kinko’s, Office Depot, Staples, etc) can scan and save them to a digital JPEG format (Compact Disk) for a nominal fee.
Then follow these steps.
(1) Go to "MEMBER FUNCTIONS" (on left side menu) and click select "Edit/Upload Photos".
(2)When the "Photos for ‘Your Name’ ..." comes up, click select "Upload New Photo".
(3) When the "Upload" screen appears, click select the "Add Files".
(4) The next screen is where you identify where the photos are located (ie., go to "desktop" if that is where you have copied or saved them.)
(5) Highlight select each photo you want to upload and click "Open"
(6) When the "Upload", "Upload New Photos" screen appears, click select "Upload Files".
(7) The “Upload Photo” will appear in your "Your Name’s Photos" section of your Profile. From here you can add the photo's description or "Caption". Be sure to click select “Save All Changes” before doing anything else.
(8) Repeat Steps 1 through Step 7 for next photo.
It may seem complicated but after you have tried it a couple of times it will be simple.
Let me know if I can help.