'58- MCRD San Diego-Camp Pendelton Adv Inf Trng
'59-Oil Field Equipment supply & maint. Farmington NM - One cold winter on drilling rig floors in blizzards around Durango Colo. was enough.
'60-USAF Denver, Co Weapon Systems F102 Sch.
'61-'62 SE Asia (Philippines,Thailand,Vietnam)
'63-'65 Lowry AFB Denver Co. Instructor-Electronic Fundamentals
'65-'68 Bitburg, Germany- Weapon Systems Technician F102 Aircraft- Visited most countries in Western Europe
'69-'72 Lowry AFB, F-111 Test Equipment Technician
'73-'79 Upper Heyford, England , Lived like a native, even followed English soccer.
'79-'81 Cannon AFB Clovis, NM- NCOIC Electronic Counter Measures Shop ON F111D Aircraft
'81 Retired from USAF
'81 Began working for Defense contractor Maintaining Cockpit Display Systems on F111D Aircraft
'83-'90 Field Service Engineer -Camden, Ark-Building Rocket Launcher Vehicle for US Army(MLRS)
'90-'92 Back to Cannon AFB until F111D was retired by USAF. I retired also.
'93 Rented out my home, bought a motorhome and moved to Logan, NM . Spent the summers on Ute Lake in a houseboat a friend and I built and the winters around the Marble Falls, Kingsland, Lake Buchanan area living in the motorhome.
Living quietly in Logan NM 1/4 mile from Ute Lake Marina with a fantastic view of the lake. Walk a few miles most days enjoying the scenery and wildlife.